General information about the Protection of Personal Data
Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law no. 6698 (“PDPL”), personal data means anydata about or of an identified or identifiable individual. By virtue of this letter of consent, youhereby agree that all your personal data that you provide us with shall be recorded, saved, stored and retained by Dansfabrika Eğlence Organizasyon ve Spor Faaliyetleri Limited Şirketi (“Dansfabrika”) with its systems, and may be modified, edited, disclosed in line with theapplicable legislation, transferred, acquired, categorized and processed Dansfabrika as definedin the applicable legislation for such reasons, purposes and by such means and method whichare detailed below, and yo further declare that you have read, understood and approved thisletter of consent, which also describes your rights that you have under the PDPL.
Identity of the Data Controller: Dansfabrika Eğlence Organizasyon ve Spor Faaliyetleri Limited Şirketi
Purpose of Processing Personal Data: Dansfabrika shall organize a dance camp in Turkey between August 26th- September 1st 2024. Identity details, address details, contact details of individuals who shall participate in the said event and their audio-visual video records as wellas other personal data shall be collected by Dansfabrika. Dansfabrika shall record, store andretain them in secure systems; and modify, edit, disclose, transfer, acquire, categorize, processthem pursuant to the applicable legislation, and shall prevent the use of them beyond suchpurpose.
Persons to whom Processed Personal Data may be transferred and Purpose of Transfer: Dansfabrika may transfer your personal data to its employees, officers, trainers, businesspartners and consultants, affiliates and group companies as well as its service providers oroutsourcers, public agencies and entities based in Turkey and abroad for the conduct of itsbusiness in line with the applicable legislation for the purposes of inquiring the organization’sefficiency, the promotion of the organization, keeping its statistical data. For in-house plansand conduct of marketing and data researches and for disclosing the organization to the pressand media. In this respect, your photographs or videos may be shot, and these photographsand videos may be displayed and used in all channels and sub-channels of digital, press andvisual media in Turkey and abroad without any limitation whatsoever in terms of time, type, country and channel, may be broadcast or used in all in-house and third party advertisementsand commercials, including public transmission devices, and in this respect, may be transferred to third parties, including service providers and outsourcers. Moreover, such datathat should be reported pursuant to the applicable legislation shall be reported by Dansfabrikato said authorities to ensure that Dansfabrika shall comply with its obligation to inform them. Your data that are transferred hereunder may be collected, saved, stored, retained, modified, edited, discloser, transferred, obtained, categorized, processed or blocked by third partytransferees from use in line with the personal data protection law.
Method and Legal Grounds to Collect Personal Data: Your personal data may be collected orsaved by Dansfabrika verbally, in writing or visually pursuant to agreements and unwrittencontracts made pursuant to the Program or by means of secure electronic platforms.
Your rights listed in Article 11 of the PDPL: As a data subject, you may exercise your rightsbelow by applying to Dansfabrika, which is the data controller under the PDPL:
a) To inquire into whether or not personal data are processed; b) if personal data areprocessed, to ask for information about it; c) to inquire into the purpose of processingpersonal data, and if they are used in line with this processing; ç) to know about third partiesto whom your personal data are transferred in Turkey or abroad; d) If personal data areprocessed incompletely or erroneously, then to request for their correction; e) to request thatpersonal data should be deleted or destroyed according to the applicable provision of thePDPL; f) to request that operations carried out in line with subparagraphs (d) and (e) involving your personal data shall be reported to third parties to which your personal data aretransferred; g) to object to any result that is detrimental to you and that may arise as a result of analysis your processed personal data by means of exclusively automatic systems; ğ) torequest to be indemnified against your losses that may arise from the unlawful processing of your personal data.
Data Subject’s Declaration:
I hereby agree and declare that pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law no. 6698, I haveread, reviewed, assessed and understood the privacy notice above in connection with theprocessing by Dansfabrika of all my personal data provided by me to Dansfabrika, including, but not limited to, my personal data, biometric data and healthcare date, personal verbal andvisual media records, photographs, pictures and videos, and for their transfer by Dansfabrikato third parties; that I hereby give my explicit approval to the processing and transfer of mypersonal data as defined above under the PDPL; that I hereby assign all my rights, includingthe processing, reproduction, promulgation, public transmission and performance rightsarising from my photographs and videos short during the organization; that I hereby give myexplicit approval to the broadcast of them online or by means of web site or other media ; thatI have read and understood the contents of my rights granted to be under the applicable lawand that I hereby consent to the processing and disclosure by Dansfabrika of my personal data to third party individuals or entities in light of the information above.